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This time, Katherine Waterston and Vanessa Kirby star as star crossed neighbors in the countryside of 19th century America. Starring: Katherine Waterston and Vanessa KirbyĪh yes, another lesbian period romance. The film has been in theaters since February but is finally being released on PVOD. Starring: Jodie Foster, Tahar Rahim, Zachary Levi, Saamer Usmani, Shailene Woodley and Benedict CumberbatchĪ true story based on Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s memoir, The Mauritanian chronicles Slahi’s (played by Tahar Rahim) fight for freedom after being detained years without charges by the U.S. (Note: While films are often available digitally for purchase earlier than they are to rent, this is structured around rental availability.) Check back often and circle your favorites. And even with movie theaters slowly opening, the pandemic continues on leaving movie fans little other choice than to go the on-demand or streaming route.Īs such, we’ve put together a handy calendar of upcoming video-on-demand rental and streaming availability for movies that we think might be worth your time. How do you watch movies? With the film business still going through industry-wide changes - even before the landscape-altering pandemic - more and more people are waiting out the theatrical experience to watch the latest hits at home. This article is updated frequently as new titles enter the calendar.

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